понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

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A (hopefully) short list to compare pregnancies thus far:

Pregnancy #1: (Sam)
Nausea was somewhat manageable- had a few bad weeks of just laying on the couch unable to eat. I think I lost maybe 7-8 lbs. Not too bad.
Exhaustion- Not bad at all, considering I only had myself to chase... :)
Body Aches- Maybe a little muscle soreness, but nothing to whine about. I canapos;t clearly recall for the fog has gotten worse in my brain in the memory department.
Memory- I think this is the one that caused my memory to slip away quietly. "If you donapos;t use it you lose it" would describe this symptom perfectly....
Regularity- Times things slowed down enough to be noticed: 1
Diet- Mostly sweets, or chocolate in nature. Nothing really turned me apos;offapos; foodwise. Didnapos;t have much of an appetite for protein. Ate it anyway... Sometimes. Did a lot of Carnation instant breakfast. That was my protein fix, I guess.

Pregnancy #2: (Baby girl Cecil)
Nausea- was ok for like the first three weeks. Then it hit the level that I had with Sam. Then it continued to torture me for the next couple of months in escalating levels. Just when I thought throwing up for the third time in a day was going to be my end, I threw up five times for the next six days... Yay, healthy baby. Sheapos;d better be, I might feel a little cheated. I think the longest time periods I made it off the couch were for church and life group. I was sorely tempted to not go. That would have been worse for my mind than the torture of *finally* getting something in my stomach, and thinking things would be ok... Only to run to the bathroom.
I was on a major hair trigger with the gag reflex.
Our (My) theory as to why it was sooo bad this time around:
My body was severely depleted by the first pregnancy, and nursing for 15 months nutritionally.
My liver had taken a nasty beating due to my food choices. Milk Thistle supplements helped with the bile episodes.
My fetus turned out to be a baby girl on her way. Perhaps her hormones were joining with mine in an effort to torture me a little. (Happy about having a girl. I will be taking measures to nourish my body before another pregnancy, so I can keep up with the children a little better than this go-round.)
I lost 12 lbs this time, but not for a lack of eating. It was a lack of ability to keep it down. Iapos;m surprised Iapos;m still alive.
Nausea vanished at 14 weeks. We went on a trip to Colorado. They fed me there. A lot. I think I gained back some of my stomach capacity for now.

Exhaustion- Much more pronounced need for sleep, since I donapos;t feel like Iapos;m getting enough. I wake up between 7:30-8:00 am, and most days need a nap by 2 pm. I crash right around 10:30, and just shut down, much to the dismay of my husband.

Body aches- Yup, got them, and if I recall correctly much earlier in this pregnancy than with Sam. And I whine about them. Iapos;m not sure if itapos;s because of the rough nausea echoing back, or if Iapos;m just more vocal about my discomfort. Could be both.

Memory- Iapos;m still coping with what Iapos;m pretty sure is a deficit from having Sam. Oh well, I guess Iapos;m losing it for life at this rate..

Regularity- One of the things I lost during my forced extended fast and purge period was the ability to poo. When you just donapos;t have it, you just canapos;t go. I never thought I would praise God for a poo of my own.. I have. Itapos;s weird.
Nowadays, things have slowed digestively. It sucks. I do try to stay hydrated in order to have any hope of a quick visit. I find that Iapos;m eating more fruit, and hope.

Diet- Iapos;m slowly learning that if I want to feel good in the morning, sugary cereal is not the stand alone breakfast for me. Dizziness, a bit of nausea, and low blood pressure result. I feel almost like I might black out if Iapos;m standing, and came close once.
My food group of choice has been protein, and bacon seems to be a winner for me. You might be able to get me to eat eggs, but they would have to be scrambled. Or in egg drop soup. (Hmm.. I feel inspiration for dinner coming on... I should be working on that instead of typing this..)
I have been so much more conscious about making sure I get some for of protein. This is a good thing. It means Iapos;m better about making meals for my toddler (stubborn little booger) that include protein. Yay, Iapos;m becoming a better mommy.

So, that about sums up my thoughts for now.
As of this point I am 22 almost 23 weeks into pregnancy number 2. Iapos;m mostly loving it. Except right now for the achy body and exhaustion. I think Iapos;ll choose to remember only the fun parts off the top of my head....

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