четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

apartment houston search texas

Do you think she sits there hating me....letting this hate build up more and more...silently.....I have done nothing wrong...I understand the person that I was, but she never understood the person that she was......she never took the time to realize how un-rational she was being ...and how harsh she was being to her love....so to say what she said I was. High school sweet hearts she says....her one and only true love.....yah thanks for lying to me and yourself.....i should have known when you first tried to get with my best friend......i should have never forgave you for fucking a stranger after we promised something together....For the more that I think I was more of a gentleman than you were a lady. What the fuck am I not seeing here....Any girl would entranced by the fact of how much of a truly caring person I was....you never believed my words ...you never once believed me even though id die for you....and id die to just make you happy.....i was too young to make happen all the splended things that you wanted to happen.....i was too young to have you travel....you never gave me the time of day....never gave me that chance....thanks a lot for fucking me over...thanks a lot for fucking 5 years out of my life....thanks a lot for sucking the energy out of me like a fucking vampire.....thanks a lot for lying to me and making yourself out to be this little innocent fucking girl. Thanks a lot ....thanks a fucking alot....

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